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Prose Speaking

Adjudicator: Rebecca Vines MA, BA, FRSA, FVCM, LLAM, LALAM, LGSMD, ALAM, ATCL, ANEA, CertGSMD


A copy of the selected passage must be handed to the Adjudicator

All set books are available from Devon County Libraries and (at time of going to press)

Introduction to be included in time limit

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6386Prose Speaking6 yrs & under2DPAF Trophy£6.50Chief Five Heads – Tracy Turner Jones
6387Prose Speaking7 & 8 yrs2DPAF Trophy£6.50Armadillo and Hare – Jeremy Strong
6389Prose Speaking9 & 10 yrsDPAF Trophy£7.00Cliff Toppers: The Arrowhead Moor Adventure – Fleur Hitchcock
6391Prose Speaking11, 12 & 13 yrs3DPAF Trophy£7.00Wildsmith: Into the Dark Forest – Liz Flanagan
6394Prose Speaking14 15 & 16 yrs3Shirley Ann Williams Picture£7.00The Time Tider – Sinead O’Hart
6397Prose Speaking17 & 18 yrsDPAF Trophy£7.50Avalon Castle – Rosemary Craddock
6399Prose SpeakingOpen4DPAF Trophy£8.00Own Choice (NB This class is not suitable for performers under 15 years)

The Wilkinson & Grant Trophy will be awarded by the Adjudicator for
the most promising performer in the Speech and Drama Section

Where a trophy is shown for more than one class, the highest mark in these classes will win the trophy

Winners in individual classes will receive a DPAF Trophy, a plaque or medal which may be kept