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Own Choice Classes

Adjudicator: Rebecca Vines MA, BA, FRSA, FVCM, LLAM, LALAM, LGSMD, ALAM, ATCL, ANEA, CertGSMD

A copy of the selected passage must be handed to the Adjudicator

NOTE that the OPEN CLASSES are not suitable for competitors under 15 years

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6247Humorous Verse12-14 years3Mayo Gunn Shield£8.00Own Choice
6248Narrative Verse15-18 years4Mayo Gunn Shield£9.00Own Choice
6249LyricOpen5Mayo Gunn Shield£9.50Own Choice
6237Sonnet12-14 yearsxHowarth Cup£8.00Own Choice
6238Sonnet15-18 yearsxHowarth Cup£9.00Own Choice
6239SonnetOpen (18+)xHowarth Cup£9.50Own Choice
6217Poem/ Prose/ Shakespeare12 - 14 years4Mayo Gunn Shield£8.00Two pieces to illustrate a theme of the competitor's own choice
6218Poem/ Prose/ Shakespeare15 - 18 years5Mayo Gunn Shield£9.00Two pieces to illustrate a theme of the competitor's own choice
6219Poem/ Prose/ ShakespeareOpen6Mayo Gunn Shield£9.50Two pieces to illustrate a theme of the competitor's own choice
6227Poets Laureate12 - 14 years3John Masefield Mem Trophy£7.50Any poem or part of a poem by any poet laureate
6228Poets Laureate15 - 18 years4John Masefield Mem Trophy£8.00Any poem or part of a poem by any poet laureate
6229Poets LaureateOpen5John Masefield Mem Trophy£9.00Any poem or part of a poem by any poet laureate


This may provide a little light relief but suitability of choice will be taken into account. No costumes – hand properties only. A copy must be handed to the Adjudicator.
NOTE that this class is unsuitable for competitors under 15 years.

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6260MonologueMin Age 15 yrs5Firth Challenge Cup£9.50Own Choice

The Wilkinson & Grant Trophy will be awarded by the Adjudicator for
the most promising performer in the Speech and Drama Section

Where a trophy is shown for more than one class, the highest mark in these classes will win the trophy

Winners in individual classes will receive a DPAF Trophy, a plaque or medal which may be kept