Adjudicator: Rebecca Vines MA, BA, FRSA, FVCM, LLAM, LALAM, LGSMD, ALAM, ATCL, ANEA, CertGSMD
Tell a story, converse or adapt to roles as you wish.
Demonstrate ingenuity, adaptability, relevance and alertness.
Themes are given prior to the classes as Words or Objects
Class Number | Class Name | Level | Time | Trophy | Fee | Set Piece | |
6030 | Solo Improvisation | 10 years & under | 2 | DPAF Trophy | £7.00 | Own Choice | |
6031 | Solo Improvisation | 11 years | 2 | DPAF Trophy | £7.00 | Own Choice | |
6032 | Solo Improvisation | 12 years | 2 | DPAF Trophy | £7.00 | Own Choice | |
6033 | Solo Improvisation | 13 years | 2½ | DPAF Trophy | £7.50 | Own Choice | |
6034 | Solo Improvisation | 14 years | 2½ | DPAF Trophy | £7.50 | Own Choice | |
6035 | Solo Improvisation | 15 years | 3 | DPAF Trophy | £8.00 | Own Choice | |
6036 | Solo Improvisation | 16 years | 3 | DPAF Trophy | £8.00 | Own Choice | |
6037 | Solo Improvisation | 17 years | 3½ | DPAF Trophy | £8.50 | Own Choice | |
6038 | Solo Improvisation | 18 years | 3½ | DPAF Trophy | £9.00 | Own Choice | |
6039 | Solo Improvisation | Open (18+) | 4 | DPAF Trophy | £9.50 | Own Choice |
Class Number | Class Name | Level | Time | Trophy | Fee | Set Piece | |
6050 | Duo - Improvisation | 10 years & under | 4 | DPAF Trophy | £8.00 | Own Choice | |
6051 | Duo - Improvisation | 11 years | 5 | DPAF Trophy | £9.00 | Own Choice | |
6052 | Duo - Improvisation | 12 years | 5 | DPAF Trophy | £9.50 | Own Choice | |
6053 | Duo - Improvisation | 13 years | 5 | DPAF Trophy | £9.50 | Own Choice | |
6054 | Duo - Improvisation | 14 years | 6 | DPAF Trophy | £11.00 | Own Choice | |
6055 | Duo - Improvisation | 15 years | 6 | DPAF Trophy | £11.00 | Own Choice | |
6056 | Duo - Improvisation | 16 years | 6 | DPAF Trophy | £13.00 | Own Choice | |
6057 | Duo - Improvisation | 17 years | 7 | DPAF Trophy | £14.50 | Own Choice | |
6058 | Duo - Improvisation | 18 years | 7 | DPAF Trophy | £14.50 | Own Choice | |
6059 | Duo - Improvisation | Open (18+) | 8 | DPAF Trophy | £16.00 | Own Choice |
The Wilkinson & Grant Trophy will be awarded by the Adjudicator for
the most promising performer in the Speech and Drama Section
Where a trophy is shown for more than one class, the highest mark in these classes will win the trophy
Winners in individual classes will receive a DPAF Trophy, a plaque or medal which may be kept