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Themed Improvisation

Adjudicator: Rebecca Vines MA, BA, FRSA, FVCM, LLAM, LALAM, LGSMD, ALAM, ATCL, ANEA, CertGSMD

Tell a story, converse or adapt to roles as you wish.
Demonstrate ingenuity, adaptability, relevance and alertness.
Themes are given prior to the classes as Words or Objects


Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6030Solo Improvisation10 years & under2DPAF Trophy£7.00Own Choice
6031Solo Improvisation11 years2DPAF Trophy£7.00Own Choice
6032Solo Improvisation12 years2DPAF Trophy£7.00Own Choice
6033Solo Improvisation13 yearsDPAF Trophy£7.50Own Choice
6034Solo Improvisation14 yearsDPAF Trophy£7.50Own Choice
6035Solo Improvisation15 years3DPAF Trophy£8.00Own Choice
6036Solo Improvisation16 years3DPAF Trophy£8.00Own Choice
6037Solo Improvisation17 yearsDPAF Trophy£8.50Own Choice
6038Solo Improvisation18 yearsDPAF Trophy£9.00Own Choice
6039Solo ImprovisationOpen (18+)4DPAF Trophy£9.50Own Choice


Themed Duo Improvisation

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6050Duo - Improvisation10 years & under4DPAF Trophy£8.00Own Choice
6051Duo - Improvisation11 years5DPAF Trophy£9.00Own Choice
6052Duo - Improvisation12 years5DPAF Trophy£9.50Own Choice
6053Duo - Improvisation13 years5DPAF Trophy£9.50Own Choice
6054Duo - Improvisation14 years6DPAF Trophy£11.00Own Choice
6055Duo - Improvisation15 years6DPAF Trophy£11.00Own Choice
6056Duo - Improvisation16 years6DPAF Trophy£13.00Own Choice
6057Duo - Improvisation17 years7DPAF Trophy£14.50Own Choice
6058Duo - Improvisation18 years7DPAF Trophy£14.50Own Choice
6059Duo - ImprovisationOpen (18+)8DPAF Trophy£16.00Own Choice


The Wilkinson & Grant Trophy will be awarded by the Adjudicator for
the most promising performer in the Speech and Drama Section

Where a trophy is shown for more than one class, the highest mark in these classes will win the trophy

Winners in individual classes will receive a DPAF Trophy, a plaque or medal which may be kept