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Group Drama

Adjudicator: Rebecca Vines MA, BA, FRSA, FVCM, LLAM, LALAM, LGSMD, ALAM, ATCL, ANEA, CertGSMD

Groups of three or more characters, with no costumes. 
No costumes (a small suggestion eg a long skirt/cloak is permissible)
Hand Properties only
Table and chairs allowed. Competitors may take part in more than one scene if required.
Setting up and Introduction included in time limit

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6811Group Drama11 & under10DPAF Trophy£15.00A Scene from any play excluding Shakespeare
6813Group Drama13 & under12DPAF Trophy£15.00A Scene from any play excluding Shakespeare
6815Group Drama15 & under15Birkett Shield£16.00A Scene from any play excluding Shakespeare
6818Group Drama18 & under16Romanska Cup£16.00A Scene from any play excluding Shakespeare
6819Group DramaOpen (18+)18DPAF Trophy£18.50A Scene from any play excluding Shakespeare


Shakespeare Group Drama

No costumes (a small suggestion eg a long skirt/cloak is permissible)
Hand Properties only

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6832Shakespeare Group Drama12 & under12DPAF Trophy£14.50A Scene from a Shakespeare play
6835Shakespeare Group Drama15 & under15DPAF Trophy£15.00A Scene from a Shakespeare play
6838Shakespeare Group Drama18 & under18DPAF Trophy£16.00A Scene from a Shakespeare play
6839Shakespeare Group DramaOpen (18+)20DPAF Trophy£18.50A Scene from a Shakespeare play


The Wilkinson & Grant Trophy will be awarded by the Adjudicator for
the most promising performer in the Speech and Drama Section

Where a trophy is shown for more than one class, the highest mark in these classes will win the trophy

Winners in individual classes will receive a DPAF Trophy, a plaque or medal which may be kept