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Solo Drama

Adjudicator: Rebecca Vines MA, BA, FRSA, FVCM, LLAM, LALAM, LGSMD, ALAM, ATCL, ANEA, CertGSMD

A copy of the selected passage must be handed to the Adjudicator
No costumes (a small suggestion eg a long skirt/cloak is permissible)
Hand Properties only

Setting up and Introduction to be included in time limit

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6611Solo Drama11 & under4Lorna Fuller-Clark Memorial Cup£9.00Own Choice from any play (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6614Solo Drama12, 13 & 14 yearsMatlock Cup£8.00Own Choice from any play (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6617Solo Drama15, 16 & 17 years5Wilkinson & Grant Drama Salver£9.00Own Choice from any play (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6618Solo Drama18 years6DPAF Trophy£9.50Own Choice from any play (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6619Solo DramaOpen (age 18 and over)8DPAF Trophy£11.00Own Choice from any play by Shakespeare & Own Choice from a play by any other Dramatist (Only one character's lines to be spoken)

Shakespeare Solo Drama
No costumes (a small suggestion eg a long skirt/cloak is permissible)
Hand Properties only

 Setting up and Introduction to be included in time limit

Class Number Class Name Level Time Trophy Fee Set Piece
6650Solo Shakespeare Girls/Boys10 & 11 yearsxShakespeare Cup£7.00Own Choice of Scene - Between 10 and 14 lines (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6652Solo Shakespeare Girls/Boys12 & 13 yearsxShakespeare Cup£7.50Own Choice of Scene - Between 12 and 18 lines (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6654Solo Shakespeare Girls/Boys14 & 15 yearsxShakespeare Trophy£8.00Own Choice of Scene - Between 16 and 20 lines (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6656Solo Shakespeare Female/Male16 & 17 yearsxShakespeare Trophy£9.00Own Choice of Scene - Between 18 and 24 lines (Only one character's lines to be spoken)
6658Solo Shakespeare Female/Male18+xShakespeare Trophy£9.50Own Choice of Scene - Between 22 and 30 lines (Only one character's lines to be spoken)

The Wilkinson & Grant Trophy will be awarded by the Adjudicator for
the most promising performer in the Speech and Drama Section

Where a trophy is shown for more than one class, the highest mark in these classes will win the trophy

Winners in individual classes will receive a DPAF Trophy, a plaque or medal which may be kept