
You may of course bring your own accompanist, but if you do not have one, you may contact the following. All arrangements including fees are between you and the accompanist, the Festival has no involvement beyond announcing that the following are available to be approached for this purpose.

It is wise to find a suitable accompanist well in advance, in case of difficulties and to allow time for rehearsal.

Ms Helen Mountain (Exeter) – 01392 681528 helendotmountaindotmusicatgmaildotcom  (helendotmountaindotmusicatgmaildotcom)  

Mrs Ekatarina Shetliffe – to diploma level (Paignton & Exeter) – 07505 884271 ekaterinashetliffeatgmaildotcom  (ekaterinashetliffeatgmaildotcom)  

Annabel Sheridan, up to grade 8 (Exeter) – 07917 826610  sheridanmusic2atgmaildotcom  (sheridanmusic2atgmaildotcom)  

More names may be added to this list – please look back again.

Should you have problems finding an accompanist, please contact our Administrator:

Mr Ashley Allerton, 01392 462655, Email  (adminatdpafdotorgdotuk)